
“Takoume”, the oldest Oden restaurant in Japan, which has been in business for 180 years.

We visited “Takoume”, the longest-running Oden restaurant in Japan, established in 1844. What is “Oden” ? Daikon, fishcakes, eggs and many other ingredients are boiled in a soy sauce-based dashi broth.→See wiki But Oden restaurants are open all year round. About “Takoume”, the oldest Oden restaurant in Japan Takoume has been written about many times […]

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The one of most delicious eel broiled by BBQ at “Horichu” in Noda, Osaka.

Today blog story is the “eel”. Have you ever been eaten “UNAGI”? Japanese people call eel “UNAGI” in Japanese. Unagi means not only a creature but also a meal of broiled eel in Japan. Eels are eaten in many countries. But, broiled eels are not eaten in many countries. You should come to Japan to […]

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