A whole Unagi(eel) restaurant,”Unagi yondaime Kikukawa” in Umeda, Osaka!

We have “The Day of the Ox”, which is known in Japan for the custom of eating eels. In 2024, they were July 24th and August 5th. I would like to recommend and introduce the so delicious Unagi restaurants where I have eaten a whole eel! Unagi yondaime Kikukawa at Hilton Plaza West of Osaka […]

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【Edogawa】an easy access and affordable eel restaurant in Umeda, Osaka.

Today we would like to introduce an easy access and affordable (4,000-5,000 yen) eel restaurant in Umeda.→Restaurant web page What is the benefit of this store to me? The 3 points to recommend this restaurant in below. Have you ever eaten eel cuisine in Japanese restaurants? An eel means Unagi in Japanse. And an eel […]

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The one of most delicious eel broiled by BBQ at “Horichu” in Noda, Osaka.

Today blog story is the “eel”. Have you ever been eaten “UNAGI”? Japanese people call eel “UNAGI” in Japanese. Unagi means not only a creature but also a meal of broiled eel in Japan. Eels are eaten in many countries. But, broiled eels are not eaten in many countries. You should come to Japan to […]

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